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Module seven, warm-up-exercises-vocabulary,class(A)

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Module seven, warm-up-exercises-vocabulary,class(A) Empty Module seven, warm-up-exercises-vocabulary,class(A)

Post  Mahmoud Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:51 pm

Module Eng
Seven 202

(A) ……warm-up

Finish using words from the list:

a journalist - tourist guides – a computer programmer - an architect – soldiers - a plumber - a lawyer

1- I hope to be …………………..to help people get their rights.
2- …………………usually have a difficult life style, as they defend the country against enemies.
3- ………………………receive tourists who come to our country and tell them about our history.
4- the job of ………………………..is to design buildings, roads, bridges, etc.
5- .......................... is someone whose job is journalism and writing for newspapers.
6- .......................... is someone who designs software programs.
7- .......................... is someone whose job is to repair or connect water pipes and things like toilets and baths.

Guess the job:

1- A person whose job is to treat people who have an illness or injury……….............
2- Someone whose job is to put in, check, or repair electrical wires and equipment. ……………………………
3- Someoen whose job is to help buyers at the shops. ........................


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Join date : 2009-02-20

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