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Module five, Lesson 18, exercises, vocabulary, class (B)

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Module five, Lesson 18, exercises, vocabulary, class (B) Empty Module five, Lesson 18, exercises, vocabulary, class (B)

Post  Mahmoud Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:14 pm

Module Eng

Five 202

(B) ……unit 18

Choose the adjective that best matches the underlined words:

sociable – reliable – hard-working – honest – disorganized

1- Mohammed usually does his homework and participates actively in class. (……………...)

2- I always believe my sister because she never lies. (………………..…)

3- My aunt is angry with her son because he doesn’t tidy his room nor organize his work. (………………….)

4- Zamil is a person that you can depend on. (…………………..)

5- My brother has a lot of friends and he likes to meet people and talk to them. (……...…………)


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Join date : 2009-02-20

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